Do you follow me on social media?
If so, you may have seen the surprise drop of Beneath all the Layer's cover!
Check it out below and let me know what you think!

Thoughts? I'm in love with it, just like the rest of the Pact Series covers. This book follows Jennie, the resident artist going through hardship with her family. Her power pose fills me with confidence and the look in her eyes just screams "I can do anything". With her give no $h!ts attitude, this picture was a no brainer for Jennie!
If you're in my Facebook group, you would have also seen that I uploaded the paperback early! That's right, you can grab the paperback and read the whole thing before the book drops on April 15th!
If you haven't pre-ordered, give this link a little clickety-click:
Release will be here before you know it! I'm already working on Robin's book next, so we're on a roll now!
Haven't started the series yet? That's okay, I gotchu:
See you soon! Happy reading!