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It's been a CRAZY week!!

Danielle Keil

How have YOU been? Like the title says, it's been a crazy week over here.

This entire month is going to be a nuthouse for me. Forget the holidays, it's everything else too!

Let's see, what have I been up to?

  1. SWEET ROMANCE: AN ANTHOLOGY finally got an Amazon link for pre-orders! Finally, I could shout from the rooftops that I was accepted into this super exclusive anthology with some heavy sweet romance hitters. Like, huge authors, right on the cover. With little ol' me. Floored doesn't begin to explain it! My story in this anthology is about a ski lodge manager and her brothers best friend-- all the way from Australia. Yup, cute Aussie crossed the pond! Love at Aspen Lodge is exclusive to Sweet Romance. I would *love* if you pre-ordered it, or grabbed a copy in KU on release day- Dec 16th!

  2. Another anthology announcement! Ideally, I would have spread these two out a bit but without knowing the time the Sweet Romance announcement would be (I was literally putting up my Christmas tree when I got the message!), I shouted this one out first! Lovers' Masquerade: A sexy Valentines Day Anthology! It's coming to you February 5th, and it's hot. As you know, I don't write a lot of steam into my books, it's just not something I do. This one has some hawt moments without being too steamy, and I freaking love it. The Phantom and the Cheeseburger (title is hilarious, I know. But it also fits perfectly-- you'll see!) It's also up for pre-order and will be in KU!

  3. Title reveals! Yup, if you've noticed some updates to the website, I have fully revealed all the titles for The Pact Series, coming 2021. The novella will kick it off-- Secrets of the Summer-- followed by Far from the Surface, Beneath all the Layers, Imperfections in the Plan, and Written between the Lines. I'm so excited to bring these Young Adult contemporary fiction books to you soon! You can add all of them to your GoodReads TBR list by visiting my page:

So, on top of all of those things, I've been working in fixing up and editing Secrets of the Summer, making teasers for all the upcoming things, sending newsletters, doing takeovers, scheduling posts, and oh-- I joined TikTok. Why? No clue. It's been a learning curve, but sort of fun! You can find me-- @authordaniellekeil

I hope you guys have a great week! My to-do list keeps getting longer, but I'll be back here next Tuesday with another post!

<3-- Danielle


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