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How's Your Reading Challenge Coming?

Danielle Keil

A friend just posted on Facebook about her reading challenge. She's surpassed her goal for the year, and is now making new goals.

For me, I'm an utter failure this year. Last year I read somewhere around 110-120 books, mainly thanks to Kindle Unlimited (side note: if you don't subscribe to KU, you should. For a small fee every month, you have access to thousands of books, including mine! Borrow it, read it, return it, repeat. It's amazing and has introduced me to so many of my now favorite authors!)

This year, my goal was set to 100. I didn't want to go too high and fail, right? Well... fail. The last time I finished a book was in September. I'm only at about 60 for the year.

Why? Well... because of my new job here! Writing has taken up a LOT of my free time and mental capacity. Being able to turn off my brain and devour a book has become a lot harder. Whereas I would once get sucked in and not be able to put it down, I now can't turn off my brain when reading-- always thinking of how the author wrote this, how they phrased that, how much I liked the plot line, etc.

Also- I've been sucked into binge watching shows lately. After getting some extra words in when the kids are asleep, I then shower and turn on Netflix until I get sleepy. Not the best way to wind down, I know!

My TBR list is huge. I have a ton of new author friends who I'm dying to read the books of. One day I'll get to them all, I swear!

How is your reading challenge coming? Was lockdown good for you to get caught up? Did you surpass your goal or are you joining me on the struggle bus?

If you need recommendations on books to read (especially those in KU, and indie authors), hit me up. I have a list a mile and a half long, waiting for you :-)

Until next week, friends-- stay safe and happy!




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