It's been quite the week and it's only Wednesday. Of course, this post was supposed to be up yesterday, but yesterday was... well, yesterday.
My son's preschool is a polling place, so he didn't have school. Which meant he had to come with me to vote. That's nothing new, he's been a few times over the years. But it was our first time voting in Mississippi!
I expected to head over around 11/12, hoping the early morning rush would have died down.
If anything, the place got busier and busier as the day went on! He and I ended up standing in line for 2 HOURS.
Was it annoying? Yes. Was I super thankful the weather was nice-- sunny and high 60's. Yes. Did we get Chik-Fil-A before we went, so we could have lunch in line? You betcha. #preparedmama
We got our vote in though! However, the stress, plus not sleeping well the night before, plus everything left me quite mentally and physically exhausted after that, so not much else got done, including this.
Let's talk about something happier, shall we? NaNoWriMo started on Sunday! If you don't know that is, it's National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of people come together all across the globe and make a plan to write 50,000 words in the month of November.
50k is considered an average novel length, so therefore-- you wrote a novel! I've been a member of the site since 2009, but have only committed to a project three times before this one.
Two of the three I published! The first, Last Glance, will most likely be redone and published at some point. Any Time was published almost exactly 3 years ago, but taken down earlier this year for re-dos (it needs a new cover, some edits, etc).
Out of the Darkness was my NaNo project from last year! While it's *slightly* bigger than 50k (... by almost 3x!), I started and won NaNo with it!
This year I'm doing Book 1 in the Pact Series for NaNo. I'm excited to say I'm already 12k words in, and it's only been 3 days! This story is different than Parkdale, but I think you'll love it just the same.
Speaking of, I'm off to go write! Gotta get those words in-- the sooner I finish, the sooner I can publish ;-)
Have a fabulous week, everyone! Keep an eye on the site-- I hope to make some updates this week!